The Crystal Set of Lepidolite, Kunzite, Rose Quartz and Rock Crystal is a carefully curated collection of natural gemstones, each with its own unique beauty and symbolic meaning. This set is designed to bring a sense of peace, love and clarity, ideal for decorative purposes or symbolic applications in your daily life.
Composition and Symbolic Meaning
Lepidolite is known for its calming energy and is symbolically associated with inner peace and balance. It is a stone often used to promote peace and harmony, making it ideal for times of stress or unrest.
Kunzite is a beautiful pink stone that radiates loving energy. Symbolically it represents unconditional love and emotional healing. It is often associated with opening the heart and promoting empathy and compassion.
Rose Quartz is known worldwide as the stone of love and harmony. This soft pink stone symbolizes love, both for yourself and for others. Rose quartz is often used as a symbol for self-care and promoting relationships.
Rock crystal is a clear and versatile stone that is often seen as a symbol of clarity and amplification of energy. It is used to promote clarity of thought and to amplify the power of other stones.
Symbolic Benefits
Peace and Balance
Lepidolite brings a sense of calm and balance, ideal for promoting a calm environment.
Love and Compassion
Kunzite and Rose Quartz together symbolize a strong focus on love, empathy and emotional connection, both internally and with others.
Clarity and Amplification
Rock Crystal symbolically provides clarity of mind and helps to amplify intentions, thereby amplifying the energy of the other stones in this set.
This set is perfect for use in meditation spaces, as decoration in living or sleeping areas, or as a symbolic tool in spiritual practices. The crystals can be placed individually or used together to promote a sense of peace, love, and clarity.
Why Choose the Crystal Set of Lepidolite, Kunzite, Rose Quartz and Rock Crystal?
This set offers a harmonious combination of stones that symbolically contribute to a calming and loving atmosphere. It is a beautiful addition to any space, which is not only aesthetically pleasing but can also be a source of symbolic meaning and positive energy.
Contents: Lepidolite, Kunzite, Rose Quartz, Rock Crystal