Blue Earth Elixir: Pure and powerful water. Discover Blue Earth Elixir, water that has regained its natural purity and potency through a unique treatment process. Through Blue Earth's carefully executed natural methods, this water contains a high level of natural oxygen.
Features and Benefits
Natural purity: Blue Earth's treatment process restores the water's original purity, providing a pure and refreshing experience.
Powerful and refreshing: Blue Earth Elixir contains a high level of natural oxygen, which contributes to an invigorating and revitalizing drinking experience.
Daily intake: Drink approximately 125 ml to 250 ml of Blue Earth Elixir daily as a supplement to your normal water intake.
Daily Use: Perfect for everyday drinking, to enjoy the refreshing and pure taste.
Basis for Products: The Blue Earth Elixir forms the basis for all our products, ensuring consistent and high quality.
Quantity: Available in a 1 litre glass bottle, ensuring purity and sustainability.